Just wasted an hour fighting a bug in Rubymine 1.1.1 that wouldn’t let me open files. Every once in awhile, it just decides that it doesn’t want to open files of a certain type (in my case, all .html.erb and .rhtml files), regardless of how you try to open them (click in file browser, choose File -> Open, etc).
And now, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, the fix:
File -> Invalidate caches
Close and re-open Rubymine
Thanks for publishing the tip!
I also recommend you to try the latest RubyMine EAP:http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/RUBYDEV/RubyMine+EAP
It has many issues fixed and lots of new features.
Wonderful!, It saved my time. Thanks for sharing 🙂
The problem still exists under RubyMine 3.0 and the above mentioned is still valid.
Thanks a lot,
Thank you! I also wasted a bunch of time on this before I found your post
Thanks indeed. After 3rd restart I found your post. Super helpful.
I only wasted 15 minutes instead of several hours thanks to your post. cheers
This happens on Rubymine 3.0 usually after unexpected system reboots.
Hey guys. I am having the same problem here with version 3.1.1. But the hints doesn’t help me at all. Tried many times. I will submit the bug and this link to JetBrains.
Thanks! saved much time
Thanks, bro.
This worked for me. Ruby 4.5 on Ubuntu
Find it funny that this post is about 1.1.1 and it’s still happening for me in RubyMine 4.5. Fix still works though. Thanks
I love you for this tip!
Thank you! Saved me hours and/or having to finish my day’s work in TextMate. 🙂
You saved me from cursing, smashing and yelling. Thanks!
4+ years later and this bug still exists in RubyMine 4.5. Thanks for writing this up.
Thanks a ton! Same issue in 4.5
Thanks, you saved my day.
Me too in 4.5. Thanks for the tip!