Made another pass at incorporating my newer changes to bloggity this evening. Now in the trunk:
- FCKEditor used to write blog posts (=WYSIWYG, WordPress-like text area)
- Images can be uploaded (via AJAX) while creating a blog post. You can then link to themvia the aforementioned FCKEditor
- Added scaffolding for blog categories, and allowing categories to have a “group_id” specified, so you could maintain different sets of blogs on your site (i.e., main blog, CEO blog, user blogs, etc. Each would draw from categories that had a different group_id)
- Blog comments can be edited by commenter
- Blog commenting can be locked
- Blog comments can be deleted by blog writer
With new features come new dependencies, but most of these are hopefully common enough that you’ll already have them:
- attachment_fu (if you want to save images)
- jquery and jquery-form plugin(if you want to upload images via AJAX. The jquery-form plugin is bundled in the bloggity source code)
- FCKEditor (if you want to use a WYSIWYG editor)
If you’re already running bloggity, you can update your DB tables by running the migration under /vendor/plugins/bloggity/db/migrations. If not, you can just follow the instructions in the previous bloggity post and you should be good to go.
I’m hoping in the next week to do some more testing of these new features and add a README to the repository, but it’s too late for such niceties this evening.
P.S. Allow me to pre-emptively answer why it’s in Google’s SVN instead of Github.