It’s a goal of mine to write a series of review for all the major plugins and services that have gone into the creation of Bonanzle. Previously, I reviewed Fiveruns and gave it a “thumbs down,” which gave me the blues, since I’d like Fiveruns to be the killer app for monitoring Rails performance. Unfortunately, though I two or three different Fiveruns sales people have noticed Bonanzle and told me I should use Fiveruns, none have gotten back to me with a promise that they could make it easier to use after I point them to my review. But I digress. Today we discuss Slicehost.
Slicehost has been very good to Bonanzle. After a short and bad experience with another Rails hosting provider that gave limited shell access, we started using Slicehost almost a year ago, first with a 256 MB slice to host our main Bonanzle server. A Slicehost “slice” is their name for a server partition, very much like an EC2 server instance (will get to a comparison of the two of them shortly). When you sign up for a slice, you can pick from a number of sizes: 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, or 4 GB. When you setup your slice, you can choose from a variety of OS’ to have pre-installed on your slice (including most all the flavors of Ubuntu). You have full shell access with any slice you setup, so essentially you have the full range of possibility in configuring your server instances that you’d have if you had the server in your basement. If you choose to add more slices in the future, you can copy the disk image from your existing slices as a starting point for your new slice (as long as you have backups turned on the slice whose disk image you want to copy). This has been very convenient for us, as it saves us the trouble of having to repeatedly install basic stuff like Mysql and Apache on each new slice we add.
How We’ve Used It
From that initial 256 MB slice we started with a year ago, we now have grown to seven slices ranging in size from 512 MB to 4 GB. As mentioned above, it’s very convenient to get a new slice up to speed using the disk image of an old slice. It’s also very fast — when we’ve put in our request to get a new slice, it has taken from 30 minutes to a couple hours max to get the new slice created.
None of our slices have gone down in a year of use. That’s nice.
The bigger the size of your slice, the more CPU you get to use in times of contention. According to the support personnel I’ve spoken with, the servers are hosted on quad core Opteron 64-bit 2 Ghz machines, and a 4 GB slice would get up to 25% of the CPU cycles in times of contention (which there rarely are). Scale down from the 25% for each level down in slice size (e.g., 2 GB slice would get 1/8th of the cycles).
In terms of practical speed, we’re currently serving about 50,000 pages/day, mostly non-cached, on a site that has a lot of interactive features and image processing. We’re doing this on one 4GB slice that currently runs 8 mongrels AND the Mysql server itself. Most page load times are less than a second, creating images takes longer. Good enough for me for now.
Compared to EC2
The closest comparable EC2 offering to a 4GB Slicehost slice is the
7.5 GB of memory, $288.00/month – 850 GB of instance storage, 0 GB BW included in price, 4 EC2 Compute Units
Compare to Slicehost:
4 GB of memory, $280.00/month (with automatic 10% discount it’s $250/mo) – 160GB HD, 1600GB BW included in price, equivalent of 2 EC2 (e.g., one 2 ghz processor) units during resource contention, more otherwise
EC2 jumps out to the early lead, as it offers about twice as much computing power and RAM for $30 more. But Slicehost catches up quickly when you consider bandwidth and storage:
EC2 bandwidth = $0.10-$0.17 per GB transferred. Slicehost = up to 1600 GB transfer free.
That is, if you were to use all of your Slice’s bandwidth, you’d save yourself something in the neighborhood of $250/month vs. Amazon. For storage, Amazon offers more storage space by default, but they make no guarantees about that your instance storage won’t evaporate at any time, which is why they also offer Elastic Block Storage (EBS), which is intended to be your “real” disk when operating in an EC2 instance. Use of EBS costs $0.10/GB and $0.10 per million IO writes, which Amazon estimates to add up to about $26/month more for a “medium sized web site.”
When you add up the total costs, assuming you were going to use your storage and bandwidth, Slicehost offers about half the memory and half the computing power, but it does so at less than half the price of EC2. And a 4GB Slicehost slice is no small computing organism. As mentioned above, it’s serving 50k daily pages of dynamic content and getting by well enough (except when it comes to image creation, which can take 5-10 seconds to process including thumbnails).
Where does EC2 win?
Still, there are a number of advantages to EC2. The first is that 4GB (the size I’ve been discussing) is the largest instance size currently offered at Slicehost, whereas Amazon has a couple different instances with significant more computing power/memory available. This alone is reason that we will probably need to switch to EC2 in the not-distant future, since at times of peak traffic we’re pushing the maximum performance of our slice currently. Update: The Slicehost support team informs me that they also have 8GB and 15.5GB slices available by request. Both of the unlisted, larger-sized slices also having corresponding 2x or 4x increases in HD space and processing power (and of course, cost).
Another annoying limitation of Slicehost is that all traffic is throttled at 10Mbps. While it’s not a “low” amount (Wikipedia says that 8-12 Mbps is equivalent to “medium to high-definition digital channel with DVD quality data” aka about 1 meg of transfer per second) per se, it is not conducive to high traffic, image-heavy sites, and it is annoying that throttling is set at the same level regardless of what slice size you use. Update: The Slicehost support team informs me that this limit can be adjusted as necessary by request. I requested that they double our bandwidth allowance and they had it done within an hour.
Where does Slicehost win?
Firstly, there are the cost wins described above if you are hosting a site that uses lots of bandwidth.
Secondly, I get the sense (from documents I’d previous read but can no longer locate) that it is far less likely that one’s instance storage will evaporate with Slicehost. I know that it’s never happened to us in the year we’ve been hosted, whereas I thought I recalled reading that EC2 made no guarantee that their instance storage would be available at a given time. Would love to get more details on this if anyone else can cite where I might have read this?
Another great feature of Slicehost that’s easy to underestimate is the availability of their help. They have a Slicehost chat room that is staffed by a handful of Slicehost employees during all normal business hours (Update: and non-normal hours too… I was talking to them at 3 AM last night about the progress of our resize to an 8GB slice. There were two Slicehost employees manning the chat window at that hour (!)). I’ve ended up visiting this chat room on numerous occasions when I want instant answers to my questions, and I’ve found the people in the chat room to be very knowledgeable and patient. Getting good support at Amazon is very expensive ($100-$400 per month, or more, for a service Slicehost provides free of charge).
Also, I’ve found that our slice almost always has more than the “guaranteed” CPU cycles available: our slice regularly uses more than “100%” (=1 of the 4 quadcore processors… which is what’s guaranteed with a 4GB slice), according to top.
Final Summary
I hope to continue adding to this article as I gain experience with the two services. As mentioned above, we have stuck exclusively to Slicehost so far, but if our site gets into the millions of uniques we might end up making the move to EC2. Update: I did some research on EC2 recently, and was pretty surprised at how esoteric their documentation is (see the section on creating your own AMI if you need to lull yourself to sleep), so I’d just as soon stay at Slicehost where there are less proprietary concepts involved. For people making the decision today about where to host, I’d pick Slicehost if you’re looking for high configurability, less learning about proprietary concepts, more human support, and lower, more predictable costs. I’d pick EC2 if you already know how to use it or are planning to run a complex scalable architecture that you want to be able to swap in more servers on a whim. I’d imagine EC2 is pretty easy to get up and running with some of the pre-configured AMIs (haven’t researched, but I’m sure they have one for Rails). But then again, Slicehost is pretty damn easy to get Rails rolling too, since you can follow any of the kajillion tutorials about setting up Rails on an Ubuntu machine. (Or you can use modrails, which from what I’ve heard is pretty much plug-and-use.)
Stay tuned for updates, and if you have comparable experience with either, please post it below!
Very helpful, thanks for sharing this and good luck with the switch to EC2 if you go ahead with it.
I like Slicehost very much…. i have a 512 slice and it’s quite fast.
I have tried over a dozen hosting solutions, including EC2… Slicehost is the winner for a VPS solution.
and RailsPlayground for shared hosting solution..
I have been looking for a reliable host for sometime now. I was very happy with Rimuhosting until recently. But their servers seems to be too slow and their downtime has also gone up considerably during the last month of so.
Am going to signup with SliceHost rightaway.
Excellent post. I’ve been using Slicehost for about half a year now and am currently running on a 1GB slice. Performance and support are great. I had some bad luck with my slice running on bad hardware, which led to a few crashes. Slicehost said they’re sorry with one month of free service, which doesn’t make up for the downtime and angry users, but at least they tried..
I’m still making the move to EC2 due to the ability to scale the number of instances up and down as necessary.
Just saw this post on a tweet, FYI we now offer 8GB and 15.5GB slices. Ping us with any questions! is like slicehost on steroids. It seems they have stolen everything that works at slicehost and just made it better.
Slicehost is awesome, we have 3 slices (512,1Gb,2Gb) which perform great – however it’s their customer service that blows me away, honnestly never seen anything like it.