Rails Performance: A Brief History of the Universe

After much ado, the time has finally come to get Bonanzle moved to real servers, with Capistrano and all the tricks the big boy Rails apps use. But as I started to look into the logistics of this, I ran into a quick interview with Alex Payne regarding Rails performance on Twitter that made me raise an eyebrow. A couple minutes later, I came to the realization that this “quick interview” actually represents the center of an impassioned web of controversy that has enveloped the Rails community regarding the scalability of Rails.

On one side of the argument are DHH and the programming purists, whose solution to the performance problem is to say any number of things other than, “yes, performance is an important issue to us, and we intend to make it better.” On the other side of the argument is people like Rob Conery and Joel Spolsky who write that maybe RoR developers should give some weight to these performance concerns, as they seem to be the only argument of substance against mainstream RoR love.

Judging by the responses to Rob’s article, methinks there is still quite a ways to go before the community will come to acknowledge the problem at hand. What makes me think it’s a problem? Um, how about objective data from reliable sources? Ruby is slow. Rails is slow and getting slower as time goes on. To be fair, I tend to agree with Joel that Rails can never be fast until Ruby is, so this isn’t all on DHH, as some have implied. At the same time, when some crazy Japanese guy (developer of YARV) with this web page is the supposed prophet of Ruby optimization, I am concerned. Even if the guy is crazy like a fox, the extent of what he will divulge about the future of YARV is that “YARV development is too HOT!” Better HOT! than cold, but something like an expected date of arrival would be a comforting piece of data to add to the development page.

Others data bits I’ve seen around:

* Some suggest JRuby is the answer to Ruby’s problems. But by all accounts, it isn’t the solution to Ruby’s performance problems. At least, not yet.

* A common argument I see being used to dilute the significance of performance is that “performance isn’t scalability.” What people mean when they say this is that poor performance doesn’t always mean you’re unequivocally screwed. And to the extent that you have developers that like to spend their time setting up caching and multi-database transactions, I suppose that is true. But as a programmer who knows a lot of other programmers, I can pretty confidently say that “how to implement a load balancer” is not the sort of problem that many programmers exalt to face. Esoteric details about how to implement Pound or a memcache or HTTP connections between multiple Mongrel processes and an Apache frontend — this is the punishment that Ruby on Rails developers bear for the joy that they experience programming their apps.

* Another common “solution” to the problem I see is to use something similar to RoR that makes an effort at better performance. Entries from this side of the arena include Grails and Merb. The question I’d be asking myself if I were a Rails evangelist that wanted to see the language thrive is, “why do these similar applications exist?” Partly because people are comfortable with legacy languages (in the case of Grails), but moreso because there are many practical people who love RoR as a language, but can’t stomach the performance trade-offs that go along with it.

I suspect that many Rails-evangelists may be quick to point out that if I don’t like it, I can go to hell or fix it myself. And if I won’t fix it, I am in no position to complain, blah blah blah. Whatever. The first step is admitting we have a problem. If there is any blemish upon Rails name, this is the one. Can we agree on that?

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