Rails 3 Performance: Abysmal to Good to Great
So you’ve upgraded from Rails 2.x to Rails 3 and you’re not happy with the response times you’re seeing? Or you are considering the upgrade, but don’t want to close your eyes and step into the great unknown without having some idea what to expect from a performance standpoint? Well, here’s what.
Prior to upgrading, this action (one of the most commonly called in our application) averaged 225-250 ms.

One our first day after upgrading, we found the same unmodified action averaging 480ms. Not cool.
Thus began the investigative project. Since New Relic was not working with Rails 3 views this week (seriously. that’s a whole different story), I (sigh) headed into the production logs, which I was happy to discover actually broke out execution times by partial. But there seemed to be an annoyingly inconsistent blip every time we called this action, where one of the partials (which varied from action to action) would have would have something like 250-300 ms allocated to it.
I casually mentioned this annoyance to Mr. Awesome (aka Jordan), who speculated that it could have something to do with garbage collection. I’d heard of Ruby GC issues from time to time in the past, but never paid them much mind since I assumed that, since we were already using Ruby Enterprise Edition, the defaults would likely be fine enough. But given my lack of other options, I decided to start the investigation. That’s when I discovered this document from those otherworldly documenters at Phusion, describing the memory settings that “Twitter uses” (quoted because it is probably years old) to run their app. Running low on alternatives, I gave it a shot. Here were our results:
New average time: 280ms. Now that is change we can believe in! Compared with the default REE, we were running more than 40% faster, practically back to our 2.2 levels. (Bored of reading this post and want to go implement these changes immediately yourself? This is a great blog describing how. Thanks, random internet dude with broken commenting system!)
That was good. But it inspired Jordan to start tracking our garbage collection time from directly within New Relic (I don’t have a link to help ya there, but Google it — I assure you it’s possible, and awesome), and we discovered that even with these changes, we were still spending a good 25-30% of our time collecting garbage in our app (an improvement over the 50-60% from when we initially launched, but still). I wondered if we could get rid of GC altogether by pushing our garbage collection to happen between requests rather than during them?
Because every director will tell you that audiences love a good cliffhanger, I’ll leave that question for the reader to consider. Hint: after exploring the possibility, our action is now faster in Rails 3 than it had been in Rails 2. It’s all about the garbage, baby.